
Beginning Farmer, 1st Generation

Originally from Scotland, Neil Blair came to the coal mining town of Lehigh, Iowa in the 1800's to work in the coal mines.  He had three children; Neil, Jim, and Sara.
Born in 1882, Neil Blair II, purchased a farm north west of Dayton, Iowa in 1907.  By working hard, he added land and built a reputation for his cattle.

Modernization, 2nd Generation

Neil's son Donald Blair was the next generation to farm.  He grew the farm through many changes in production including the addition of soybeans as a cash crop and the end of cattle production.  Donald was married to Marge and had 4 children; Donald (Guy), Neil, Kelly, and Jane.

International Expansion, 3rd Generation

Donald's son Kelly Blair studied Animal Science at Iowa State University and graduated in 1978.  Contract production of pigs brought livestock back to the farm.  In 1996 the Blair farm restructured their business into KR Farm Inc.  KR stands for Kelly and Rebecca Blair.  2002 marked the purchase of a farm in Bahia state in Brazil.  Two partners, a farm family from Colorado, and a farm family from Ontario, Canada, along with the Blair family formed Prairie Cerrado LLC.  Prairie Cerrado signifies the move from the prairies of North America to the Cerrado region in South America.  Kelly and Rebecca have two sons; A.J. and Patrick.

Today, 4th Generation

A.J. and Kellie Blair currently operate the farm today.  They changed the name of KR to include A.J. and Kellie and is now AKR (A.J., Kellie, Kelly, and Rebecca) Farm.  Blair Farm, LLC. was established in 2010 with the addition of the cattle back onto the farm. 
The farm currently includes raising corn, soybeans, cattle (beef and cow/calf), and pigs.

A.J. and Kellie have two children: Wyatt and Charlotte.